a writing company & publication for vital creatives.
a writing company & publication for vital creatives.
We craft enriching, energizing multimedia pieces for the adventurous creatives and heart-led visionaries. We believe genuine beauty—and genuine voices—belong at the creative table. We see Creative Vitality through the lens of the body, and we know wordsmithing is not a lost art but a treasured one.
Inside our publication, Casey Jacque, we deliver valuable resources on the topics of whole body health, creative career building, creative direction, intentional travel, sustainable living, love and relating, & more.
Join our team of in-house experts (and guest writers) as we publish fresh articles, monthly playlists, & innovative multimedia stories.
We see holistic journalism as an essential avenue to a more sustainable future. We believe, with the proper heart posture, all things are possible.
Our publication, Casey Jacque
This month’s song selection:
Choose a track to listen to as you look through our collection of articles, selecting a piece that captures your attention.
Today’s feature article:
What Taylor Swift and The Eras Tour Teach Us about Building a Once-in-a-Lifetime Creative Brand
I’m Turning 30 Years Old—As a Therapist, Here’s How I Reframe Societal Timelines, Self Image, and Belonging
Turning 30 years old can feel like a big shift, a monumental change. What does it really mean to age and grow older? Our writer explores the topic of aging as an empowered woman. How does it feel to be an embodied woman in her thirties. I’m a therapist and I’m turning 30 this year. Here’s how I frame societal timelines, my self image, and belonging to myself and belonging in community.
Attuning to an Internal Locus of Celebration (reparenting for those praised with an external locus of control)
Often, the remedy for integrating our validation seeking tendencies (along with an ever-too-familiar, unquenchable desire to please) begins by developing an inner locus of control.
In this piece, we’re exploring the effects of effort-based praised — answering the questions:
What happens to a child’s capacity to problem solve and cultivate resilience when we shift the focus of praise towards effort in place of outcome? And what happens when our methods of praise look at how something was achieved as opposed to just what was achieved?
Energetic Memories: Returning Home as Your Authentic Self for the Holidays
The holidays can often mean that, for many of us, we’re traveling back to where we grew up or to the people we grew up with. Both my body and mind remember the past physical expressions of myself. My mind and body hold intricately woven patterns, internal dynamics, somatic memories of my childhood. As we age, we evolve, and so many physical versions of our soul are expressed throughout a lifetime. Minute evolutions in the way of being of our authentic selves. And sometimes, it can be painful to return to the previous versions. To be reminded of the way we used to be. The way we used to let others be with us.
How to Demystify Authenticity and Unwrap Your Self-Expression
Join Charlotte in this discussion on how to completely demystify authenticity as you nurture your self-expression for personal growth.
The Role of Energy Psychology in Transformative Healing
Join Charlotte in this discussion on the role of energetic psychology in transformational healing.
A Recipe for Transforming Judgement Through Self-Compassion
Join Charlotte in this discussion on how to create a healthier relationship with judgement through self compassion. She explores why we judge ourselves and others, what we are trying to gain, and how to use judgement as a tool for growth. Working with judgement in this way allows it to be a catalyst for our healing, liberating our trapped creative potential.
What It Really Takes to Liberate Our Competitive Nature and Reroute it into Creative Fuel
In this exploration, we’re transforming the potent creative energy within competition into an incredible opportunity for true collaboration, deeper connection, and new paradigm companines.
Why We All Need Creative Hype Women: The Creative Woman Diaries
Who we surround ourselves with has a profound effect on who we are, and I cannot think of a more powerful creative asset than that.