a writing company & publication for vital creatives.
a writing company & publication for vital creatives.
We craft enriching, energizing multimedia pieces for the adventurous creatives and heart-led visionaries. We believe genuine beauty—and genuine voices—belong at the creative table. We see Creative Vitality through the lens of the body, and we know wordsmithing is not a lost art but a treasured one.
Inside our publication, Casey Jacque, we deliver valuable resources on the topics of whole body health, creative career building, creative direction, intentional travel, sustainable living, love and relating, & more.
Join our team of in-house experts (and guest writers) as we publish fresh articles, monthly playlists, & innovative multimedia stories.
We see holistic journalism as an essential avenue to a more sustainable future. We believe, with the proper heart posture, all things are possible.
Our publication, Casey Jacque
This month’s song selection:
Choose a track to listen to as you look through our collection of articles, selecting a piece that captures your attention.
Today’s feature article:
What Taylor Swift and The Eras Tour Teach Us about Building a Once-in-a-Lifetime Creative Brand
Worthiness: The Key to Genuine Creative Living and Your Life By Design
Join Charlotte in this discussion on real manifestation steps. Your brain and body are programmed to react and interact in the same ways you have been all your life. When you feel those familiar emotions of stress or frustration, your brain and body go straight to the things that worked to distract you or numb you against those emotions the last time you experienced them. Your brain and body are used to feeling this way. It is the repetition of the pattern.
What Taylor Swift and The Eras Tour Teaches Us about Building a Once-in-a-Lifetime Creative Brand
What Taylor Swift and The Eras Tour teaches us about building an unbelievable creative brand. A cultural phenomenon, the tour broke the record of the highest grossing US tour in history. The Eras Tour concert film was the perfect direction to take her brand. It represented a celebration of her past albums as well as a celebration of her full spectrum of womanhood. She is the permission slip our generation needs.
How to Demystify Authenticity and Unwrap Your Self-Expression
Join Charlotte in this discussion on how to completely demystify authenticity as you nurture your self-expression for personal growth.
The Role of Energy Psychology in Transformative Healing
Join Charlotte in this discussion on the role of energetic psychology in transformational healing.
5 Enriching Ways to Boost Your Neuroplasticity In 2024
We are exploring unique and enriching ways to increase neuroplasticity and rewire neural pathways to create wellbeing, increase creativity, and support your wellness through the lens of neuroscience.
My Fresh Morning Routine (delectable chia seed pudding recipe inside)
Freshen up your morning routine with these four intentional approaches — through body, mind, energetic, emotional, and spiritual health.
A Recipe for Transforming Judgement Through Self-Compassion
Join Charlotte in this discussion on how to create a healthier relationship with judgement through self compassion. She explores why we judge ourselves and others, what we are trying to gain, and how to use judgement as a tool for growth. Working with judgement in this way allows it to be a catalyst for our healing, liberating our trapped creative potential.
Elements of Style: The 7 Wardrobe Staples In My Closet for Fall
One way I romanticize life is through the lens of intentional style. Join me in the elements of style series as I share the four wardrobe staples I am adding to my wardrobe for fall 2023. From romcom core to Scandinavian style to airy styles to working girl to the girl next door trend, I’ll explore which pieces best suit my creative CEO closet.
The Dance Between Your Inner and Outer Worlds: Reflections from a Creative Entrepreneur
This published author eloquently describes how your inner world creates your outer experience. Your outer reality can inspire your thoughts, ideas, intuitive nudges. My desires bring me to the water’s edge. The water renews my drive to create beautiful, powerful things.
What Is Sustainability? An Environmental Scientist & Farmer Gives Us An Insider’s Take
I interview an environmental scientist and farmer to get the inside scoop on what sustainable agriculture actually means, and how we can reframe our relationship to regenerative practices. Once we began our conversation, we realized it would be much more beneficial to discuss the three pillars of sustainability to create a context for implementing individualized sustainable living and planting practices.
Building a Responsible Context for Conscious Connected Breathwork
Conscious Connected Breathwork is a powerful tool for transformation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. With the rise in popularity of this practice, this article outlines how to choose the most appropriate breathwork methods for your needs and your body.
8 Intuitive Ways to Soothe Your Nervous System While Traveling
Support your nervous system while you travel by trying these eight nervous system regulation practices.
Building Your Inner Friendship: A Remedy for High Functioning Anxiety
Self-trust begins with cultivating that kind of compassionate relationship within. The way you talk to yourself needs to be in the manner of a very close friend. When you make mistakes or you’re facing something difficult, offer yourself kindness. Intentionally talk to yourself in a way that lays a fertile ground for trust: “Hey, this is hard, you’re trying your best and that’s enough.”
What It Really Takes to Liberate Our Competitive Nature and Reroute it into Creative Fuel
In this exploration, we’re transforming the potent creative energy within competition into an incredible opportunity for true collaboration, deeper connection, and new paradigm companines.
Gathering the Creative Goods According to Your Senses (Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch, Smell, and Feeling Sense)
Using each of your senses to tap into your creative gifts, including taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, and feeling sense.
Why We All Need Creative Hype Women: The Creative Woman Diaries
Who we surround ourselves with has a profound effect on who we are, and I cannot think of a more powerful creative asset than that.
Blog Piece: Could Advancements in Creative Tech & Innovation Actually Give Creatives a Leg Up?
We’re bringing genuine beauty back to the Creative Table. Our heart beat (alongside the caliber of our craft) gives us a leg up.
I Asked ChatGPT to Write a ‘Pros & Cons’ List on Creative Courage… and Here's What It Delivered
I Asked ChatGPT to Write a ‘Pros & Cons’ List about Creative Courage… and Here's What It Said